Resultados Alcançados

Listamos a seguir as publicações geradas até o momento no projeto:



  • de Lima, E. B. ; Meira Jr., W. ; DE MELO-MINARDI, R.C. . Isofunctional protein subfamily detection using data integration and spectral clustering. PLoS Computational Biology, v. 12, p. e1005001, 2016. Ver o artigo...


  • Gonçalves, W.R.S., Gonçalves-Almeida, V.M., Arruda, A.L., Meira Jr., W., da Silveira, C.H., Pires, D.E.V., de Melo-Minardi, R.C.. "PDBest: a user–friendly platform for manipulating and enhancing protein structures." Bioinformatics, 31(17):2894-2896 (2015). Ver o artigo...
  • Agostinho, N.B., Machado, K.S., Werhli, A.V.. "Inference of regulatory networks with a convergence improved MCMC sampler." BMC Bioinformatics, 16:306 (2015). Ver artigo...


  • Izidoro, S.C., de Melo-Minardi, R.C., Pappa, G.L.. "GASS: identifying enzyme active sites with genetic algorithms." Bioinformatics, 31(6):864-870 (2014). Ver artigo...
  • Silveira, S.A., . "ENZYMAP: Exploiting protein annotation for modeling and predicting EC number changes in UniProt/Swiss-Prot." PloS One: 9(2):e89162 (2014). Ver artigo...
  • Seus, V.R., et al. "An Infrastructure to Mine Molecular Descriptors for Ligand Selection on Virtual Screening." BioMed Research International, vol. 2014, Article ID 325959, 9 pages (2014). Ver artigo...



  • Santana, C.A., Cerqueira, F.R., Silveira, C.H., Fassio, A.V., Melo-Minardi, R.C., Silveira, S.A. . GReMLIN: a graph mining strategy to infer protein-ligand interaction patterns. In: IEEE 16th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 2016, Taichung. Proceedings of the IEEE 16th International Conference on BioInformatics and BioEngineering, 2016.


  • Izidoro, S.C., Lacerda, A., Pappa, G.L. . "MeGASS: Multi-Objective Genetic Active Site Search." Proceedings of the Companion Publication of the 2015 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference. ACM, 2015.
  • Silveira, S.A., et al. "Revealing protein-ligand interaction patterns through frequent subgraph mining." Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics & Computational Biology (BIOCOMP), 2015.